Winter Camp w/ Layli Long Soldier
Join us on March 15th at 1:00pm MT for our final Winter Camp of the 2024/2025 season!
We’ll be hosting a conversation between Layli Long Soldier and Arlo Iron Cloud, Sr., to be followed by a Poetry Workshop taught by Layli Long Soldier.
For those who cannot attend in person, the conversation being held at 1:00pm will be live-streamed on our Facebook page and Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../register/vWEkHWnMT3yndxAaaKFssQ
“When the White Page Is not the Homeland of a Poem”
In this poetry workshop, we will begin by remembering that the root of poiesis means “to make” or “to create.” In other words, writing a poem is, in essence, to make something. We will discuss ways that our writing process can begin beyond the limitations of the 8 ½’ x 11” page. We will think conceptually, visually, and imaginatively. For example, we will consider ways that the FORM of our poems can be inspired by communal or historical visual art practices. And/or we will think about form as way to create feeling—how do we create a visual experience that strengthens the language? We’ll consider all that’s available to us, visually: space, color, texture, dimension, and so on. In the spirit of sovereignty and joy, we will allow our poems to breathe and take up as much physical space as they need. Most of all, this will be a time to make something together!

Winter Camp: Autumn White Eyes
Please join us on Sunday, January 26th at 11:00 am for our fourth Winter Camp session! Our host, Arlo Iron Cloud, Sr. (Oglala) will be having a conversation with Autumn White Eyes (Oglala/Ojibwe) in the morning with a poetry workshop to follow in the afternoon.
1:00 pm - Conversation w/ Autumn White Eyes and Arlo Iron Cloud, Sr.
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Poetry Workshop w/ Autumn White Eyes
If you are unable to join us in-person, the conversation will be live-streamed on our Facebook and Zoom:

Winter Camp: Molina Two Bulls
Please join us on Saturday, January 18th at 11:00 am for our third Winter Camp session! Our host, Arlo Iron Cloud, Sr. (Oglala) will be having a conversation with Molina Two Bulls (Oglala) in the morning with a doll-making workshop to follow in the afternoon.
11:00 am - Conversation w/ Molina Two Bulls and Arlo Iron Cloud, Sr.
12:00 pm - Lunch provided by Racing Magpie
12:30 pm - Doll-Making Workshop w/ Molina Two Bulls
If you are unable to join us in-person, the conversation will be live-streamed on our Facebook and Zoom:

Waniyetu Art Market
It’s that time of year again! We’ll be hosting an incredible gathering of Native artists in our community during our Waniyetu Arts Sale. They’ll be here to help you pick up that last-minute gift or your next piece for your own collection. We have confirmed sixteen artists.
We look forward to seeing everyone!
![Winter Camp: Jesse Short Bull [Screening and Conversation]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5595add8e4b0e9796cc28f3c/1734120274987-NE7XNU7VIBFFOC9K2VJE/470004979_1018880176920686_2261376678464623933_n.jpg)
Winter Camp: Jesse Short Bull [Screening and Conversation]
Join us on December 21st at 1:00 pm for our December Winter Camp session! We’ll be doing a screening of Lakota Nation vs. United States and holding a conversation with the co-director of the documentary, Jesse Short Bull (Oglala), facilitated by Arlo Iron Cloud, Sr. (Oglala).
1:00 pm - Screening of Lakota Nation vs. United States
3:15 pm - Conversation with Jesse Short Bull and Arlo Iron Cloud, Sr.
For those who cannot attend in person, the conversation being held at 3:15pm will be live-streamed on our Facebook page and Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuf-itrzoqG9K7EMm-ifX3Sf6_eYlAsbbg
Winter Camp Series: 1 of 8
11 am: A Conversation w/ Dollie Red Elk
12 pm: Lunch hosted by Racing Magpie
1-4 pm: Basic by Anita Afraid of Lightning

Reflections on Nomadic Art Camp w/ Clementine Bordeaux (In-Person)
Join us (in person) for a lunchtime talk with Clementine Bordeaux. Soup will be provided!
Also available via Zoom, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81199114278...
Clementine recently attended the 2024 Nomadic Art Camp in Kyrgyzstan. To learn more about the history of the camp visit: https://www.bishkekart.kg/

The Heritage Center: Buying Day
The gift shop at The Heritage Center will be at Racing Magpie for a Buying Day on Monday, September 30th.
Stop by between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm (no appointments necessary.)

Racing Magpie Community Yard Sale
We're excited to announce that our large community yard sale will be happening Saturday, Sept. 28th and Sunday, Sept. 29th from 12 to 5 each day.
We're expecting at least 8 community members/families setting up to sell for the weekend. There will be lots of deals and treasures, so come early! Artwork, household goods, bikes, toys, and more!

Racing Magpie Community Yard Sale
We're excited to announce that our large community yard sale will be happening Saturday, Sept. 28th and Sunday, Sept. 29th from 12 to 5 each day.
We're expecting at least 8 community members/families setting up to sell for the weekend. There will be lots of deals and treasures, so come early! Artwork, household goods, bikes, toys, and more!
On Saturday we'll have Indian tacos for sale as well, so come hungry!
Private Event
Racing Magpie will be closed to the public between 10 am - 2 pm MT on Wednesday, September 25th, 2024.

Print Workshop: Pejuta Press x Dawn E. LeBeau
Pejuta Press is collaborating with celebrated Lakota photographer Dawn E. LeBeau for the August cyanotype workshop series!
These sessions will be held at Racing Magpie from 1pm - 4pm on Sunday, August 4th, August 11th, and August 25th.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore and use Dawnee LeBeau's photographs of plant relatives to create cyanotypes. For the Aug. 4th session, participants will be invited to go outside and find physical materials for their cyanotypes.

Fall 2024 Sinew Fund Application CLOSES
The Fall 2024 Sinew Fund application is open now July 5th through Tuesday, August 13th!
We are looking to support Lakota creatives that specialize in visual art and center their community. (For example, free classes teaching your medium, funds for a documentary/free screening, free public art installations, a community art exhibition, etc.) Think out of the box!
Applicants can apply individually or in teams to fund projects that will engage with their Lakota community. The maximum award amount is $5,000 for individual applicants and $10,000 for a collaborative team.
More information about the program and application can be found at www.racingmagpie.org/sinew-fund. You can also schedule a meeting with a Sinew Fund staff member to ask questions here: https://calendly.com/sinew/sinew-fund-1-on-1-consultation-sessions

Print Workshop: Pejuta Press x Dawn E. LeBeau
Pejuta Press is collaborating with celebrated Lakota photographer Dawn E. LeBeau for the August cyanotype workshop series!
These sessions will be held at Racing Magpie from 1pm - 4pm on Sunday, August 4th, August 11th, and August 25th.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore and use Dawnee LeBeau's photographs of plant relatives to create cyanotypes. For the Aug. 4th session, participants will be invited to go outside and find physical materials for their cyanotypes.

Print Workshop: Pejuta Press x Dawn E. LeBeau
Pejuta Press is collaborating with celebrated Lakota photographer Dawn E. LeBeau for the August cyanotype workshop series!
These sessions will be held at Racing Magpie from 1pm - 4pm on Sunday, August 4th, August 11th, and August 25th.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore and use Dawnee LeBeau's photographs of plant relatives to create cyanotypes. For the Aug. 4th session, participants will be invited to go outside and find physical materials for their cyanotypes.

Night Art Market
The Black Hills Indian Artist Market will be hosting their Night Market at Racing Magpie from 3-9 pm on Saturday, July 27th. The theme for the night is POP ART.
There will be artist booths, live music, a food truck, and a showing of the film INSPIRED (A Documentary Film about the Horse Nation of the Ochethi Sakowin Exhibition).
Please join us!

The Heritage Center: Buying Day
The gift shop at The Heritage Center will be at Racing Magpie for a Buying Day on Wednesday, July 17th.
Stop by between 11:30 am - 3:00 pm (no appointments necessary.)