Racing Magpie Virtual Residency
Please note, this program had two rounds in 2020 as a way to offer support to artists and our community during the first year of the pandemic.
Information on participants is available below.
As our community figures out how to deal with the effects of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, artists, culture bearers, and other creatives are also facing the reality of canceled events and decreased sales. Responding to a survey conducted by Racing Magpie, Native artists named that they have a need to remain connected to each other and to the general public using digital resources and virtual means. One Lakota artist expressed that through virtual programming “We can share ideas about the way we each think and feel and create. We can share where our own ideas come from and ask where other artists’ ideas come from. We can share our processes with each other, and share our images online for comment and discussion.”
Learn more about
our first cohort of resident artists
our second cohort of artists and mentor/mentees
Earlier in 2020, in the spirit of our value of being a good relative, we created a quick-response program to hold up those creatives and celebrate their artistic processes. Racing Magpie worked with its non-profit partner Magpie Creative to offer five virtual residencies for artists from western South Dakota. The stipends awarded ($200 per residency in the first round) will hopefully both bolster their artistic careers and at least scratch the surface for much-needed resources for them to support themselves and their families. Additionally, the presentations, conversations, and tutorials will become part of Racing Magpie’s online resources and will inspire and inform our community and future generations of artists. Ultimately, we believe that the program will create and deepen the connections that artists and community need and are requesting.
Apply for a Virtual Residency
Through the generosity of our supporters and Project H3LP, a second round of artist residencies was completed in September 2020 to both highlight artists’ work to the public and provide learning opportunities for them as they build their peer networks. As we continue to innovate the program, we have made a few adjustments. This round we are offering three residency opportunities to Native artists from western South Dakota, and we are also evolving two of those residencies into mentorship opportunities for young (ages 14-19) artists on the Cheyenne River Reservation.
Native artists living in the portion of occupied Oceti Sakowin territory that is so-called West River South Dakota
All art forms accepted.
Expressed desire to share art form and grow as a creative
Staff and board of Racing Magpie and Magpie Creative are not eligible
Access to technology to present livestreams and attend Zoom meetings (additional coaching is available)
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the artist will also be considered in the selection process.
Residency Responsibilities
Participate in four online learning sessions with other residents
Present four (4) fifteen-minute public check-ins via livestream
Residency Stipend
$200 per artist
Applications are currently closed.
Applications were reviewed by a panel of staff and board members.
Any questions? Let us know by emailing